Dianna Cool-Llorens

diannaDianna accomplished several feats in her 36 year life with us. She was a daughter, sister, aunt, girlfriend, friend and co-worker treasured by many. Unfortunately Dianna lost her second battle with breast cancer in October of 2004. She is greatly missed.

Dianna developed in fascinating directions. She was interested in so many things and accomplished so much in such a short journey. She graduated from Sinclair College in Dayton, Ohio with a degree of Associate of Applied science, Commercial Arts Technology. She could play the piano and guitar. She loved animals, and was always adopting homeless dogs and cats. She was a volunteer teacher of English for foreigners. She graduated with a M.D. degree of Licenciada en Medicina y Cirugia from the Universidad de Alicante, Spain. And finally, entered the law enforcement field as a FBI Special Agent.

So, Dianna, here’s this toast to you; it is an honor to be part of your life, as members of your family as well as friends. You are always with us. Until we meet again–Paz, Amor y Caridad.