Kroger’s Community Rewards Program

Kroger’s Community Rewards Program

Kroger Community Rewards Program has a wonderful way to support Team Angels, Enroll using your Kroger Plus Card. Now every time you make a purchase using your Plus Card, Kroger automatically donates a portion of your purchases  directly to the Team Angels Foundation...
Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market

Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market

We are please to announce that Team Angels Foundation received a check from Vince & Joe’s Gourmet Market in the amount of $2,586.00 for Breast Cancer Research, awareness and helping those effected by cancer. We would like to thank the owners and their families for...
Mantra Vie

Mantra Vie

Mantra Vie 404 S. Main Street Rochester, Michigan  48307 Telephone  248 266-7565 VISIT WEBSITE